Utbildning | 2024-09-03

16 Januari - Att lyckas med exploateringsprojekt

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Svefa has completed the valuation of the forest holdings of GreenGold Group AB for the company's annual report of 2022.

GreenGold is a large and expanding pan European forest company with holdings in Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and the UK. The entire holdings are ca 75 000 hectares with a total standing volume of ca 20 million m3fo. The largest holdings are in Romania and Finland.


”With forest holdings in seven countries, it is a complex and interesting valuation assignment, especially in these very unique times of financial uncertainty and high inflation.”

Niklas Lundberg, project manager, Svefa.


In 2022 the European forest markets have been rising on a broad scale with increases in several of the countries above at levels up to 50 percent on an yearly basis. Svefa also assesses that the unique holding of GreenGold has portfolio effects combining several high yielding forest markets and controlling portfolio risks. This is the third time Svefa has been entrusted to perform the forest valuations of GreensGold.


”GreenGold's goal is to provide a stable, good, and green return through active and sustainable forest ownership and disciplined investments in the most attractive forest areas across Europe. It was natural for us to choose Svefa as a service provider for this task, as they possess the necessary cutting-edge competence, network, experience, and integrity to handle such a complex project, ”

Sorin Chiorescu, founder and CEO, GreenGold Group AB

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Niklas Lundberg Affärsutvecklingschef Skog & Lantbruk

010-603 86 80



Paul Nord Affärsområdeschef Skog & Lantbruk

010-603 86 92



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